Contact Us
Paul Flasha
780-779-9912 office
Vice President/Operations Manager
Steven Flasha
780-778-9787 mobile
780-779-9912 office
Email: steven (at) paulflashacontracting (dot) com
To reduce unwanted email (SPAM) from automated programs which search internet web pages for valid emails, the above addresses have been modified from their normal format. Please substitute "@" for "(at)" and "." for "(dot)" to obtain the true email address before sending (most automated programs can not pick up this email address format ).
Mailing Address:
Paul Flasha Contracting Ltd.
4224-42nd Avenue
Whitecourt, AB T7S 0A3
Office Phone:780-779-9912
Office Fax:780-779-9914
General Email: info (at) paulflashacontracting (dot) com